acababa el verano, se iban con él los sabores más dulces. Se
acababan las risas del mar, las sandías en la playa, los helados de
turrón y almendras, el chocolate derretido por el calor, el abrazo
del sol... Se volvía a congelar la infancia, y se sucedían las
prisas, los acelerones y el estrés. Se mudaba el armario por prendas
algo más sofisticadas y los vestidos de tirantes se apretaban en el
baúl de la ropa de uso ocasional.
aseguró su bolso al hombro y salió del portal. Hacía una mañana
fría, aunque aún comenzase Septiembre, y tuvo que enroscarse al
cuello un pañuelo largo que la abrigase. Se cruzó con Pablo al
final de la avenida, como calculaba desde sus años de instituto, y
continuó el trayecto arrancándole palabras perezosas.
melena rubia de Pablo se erizaba sobre sus hombros como las olas del
mar sobre las rocas. Todo en él era océano. Sus ojos marinos, sus
labios salados, su pelo dorado, su cuerpo emborrachado de sol y sus
piernas fuertes, eran la personificación más perfecta del mar. En
la universidad era reclamo de miradas indiscretas y comentarios
atrevidos, pero él simulaba no darse cuenta. No le gustaba encabezar
la lista de “los solteros más cotizados”. Por eso, quizá, no
desmentía los rumores de que Cristina y él salían juntos. No era
ella con quien soñaba las horas muertas y los días tristes, pero de
ese modo evitaba debates apasionados entre sus admiradoras.
intentó arañar sus recuerdos.
que fue divertido este verano?
no estuvo mal.
silencio, de nuevo.
aproximaban a la entrada de la facultad y el reguero de alumnos los
cercaban por todos los frentes. Se mantuvieron juntos, brazo con
brazo, con miedo a despegarse antes de acceder al edificio.
saludó a sus amigos sin detenerse, justificándose con una mirada
rápida a su acompañante, y comentó con Pablo la salida de la
que la cena era a las nueve. Tomás cocinará esta vez y ha preparado
una repostería impresionante... y una mesa de cócteles.
–Pablo sonrió, con poco entusiasmo–. Aunque quizá ande ocupado,
ya sabes.
se te ocurra faltar! Prometiste que vendrías. Diana me preguntó
anoche por ti y Sofía y Fernando te apuntaron en la invitación.
Además, hace mucho que no los ves.
lo sé.
encogió de hombros, sin argumentos ni disculpas, y se despidió de
Cristina como hacía siempre al alcanzar las escaleras de la
que desayunar antes de entrar en clase, lo siento. Nos vemos a la
salida –y subió con grandes zancadas, en una huida evidente.
abrazó su carpeta y suspiró. Aunque se sabía observada, no retuvo
las lágrimas. ¿Qué estaba ocurriendo? Porque había algo mal, eso
era evidente. Desde los últimos días del viaje a casa de Pablo, su
humor parecía arrastrarse por los suelos. Con desesperación, tecleó
en su móvil un mensaje a Diana.
tú a Pablo para la cena, a mí no me hace caso.
tanto, Pablo meditaba delante de la taza de café. El desayuno era su
momento preferido, porque estaba solo y con la mente despierta.
la taza, removía el azúcar y sus ganas de fiesta. Estaba
atragantado de frustración. Había escuchado una conversación
confidencial y el secreto le escocía el alma. Quizá Fernando
estuviese equivocado y nada de lo que le había contado a Sofía era
cierto. Pero, ¿cómo iba a saberlo, si todo parecía apuntar a que
era acierto?
le preocupó más pensar en Cristina. No estaba siendo del todo
sincero con ella. Ya le había dejado claro otras veces que sólo
eran buenos amigos. Era cierto que la amaba, pero de un modo distinto
al que ella deseaba. Cristina estaba en su otro corazón, en el del
día a día, en el de las risas, los buenos ratos, las anécdotas...
En definitiva, en el corazón de su historia. Pero no podía pasar de
ahí, aunque a veces le hubiese parecido lo más fácil.
el café y se levantó, al fin decidido. Si no descubría si las
palabras de Fernando eran ciertas, no descansaría de atormentarse.
Escribió a Cristina. No tenía mucho más que perder y, aunque no le
atrajese la idea de reencontrarse con su dolor fantasma, por ella, asistiría a la
- In another heart -
When the summer
ended, its sweetest flavors ended with it. The sea’s laughter, the
watermelons on the beach, the turron and almond ice cream, the
chocolate melted by the heat, the sun’s warm hug… Childhood was
freezing over again, and was being replaced by the hurries, the
sprints, and the stress. The closet was moving to hold more
sophisticated clothes, and the strappy dresses were being crammed
into the trunk of occasional use clothing.
Cristina secured her purse to her
shoulder and walked out of her doorway. It was a cold week, even
though September had only just begun, and she had to coil a long
handkerchief around her neck to keep her warm. She bumped into Pablo
at the end of the avenue, as she had calculated since she was in high
school, and continued the walk extracting lazy words from him.
Pablo’s blonde hair perked up over
his shoulders like waves breaking over rocks. Everything about him
was an ocean. His sea-blue eyes, his salty lips, his golden hair, his
body drunk with sun, and his strong legs were the most perfect
personification of the sea. In college, he was the subject of
indiscreet looks and bold comments, but he pretended not to notice.
He didn’t like to head the list of “Most Eligible Bachelors.”
Which is why, perhaps, he never denied the rumors that he and
Cristina were dating. She wasn’t the one he dreamed about on gloomy
days, but that way he avoided passionate debates amongst his fans.
Cristina tried to scratch his
memories, “Wasn’t this summer fun?”
“Yea, it wasn’t bad.” And again,
They were nearing their college, and
the rush of students was enclosing them from all sides. They remained
together, arm-to-arm, afraid to separate before reaching the
Cristina said hi to her friends
without stopping, justifying herself with a furtive look at her
companion, and commented with Pablo on that afternoon’s outing.
“Remember that dinner was at nine. Tomas will cook this time and he
prepared an amazing dessert… and a cocktail table.”
“Yea…” Pablo smiled, with little
enthusiasm, “although I might be busy, you know.”
“Don’t you dare miss it! You
promised you’d come. Diana asked me about you last night and Sofia
and Fernando put you down on the invite list. Besides, it’s been a
while since you don’t see them.”
“Yea, I know,” he shrugged,
without arguing or apologizing, and said goodbye to Cristina as he
always did when they reached the stairs to the cafeteria. “I have
to have breakfast before we go to class, I’m sorry. I’ll see you
later.” And he went up the stairs with huge strides, very blatantly
Cristina hugged her binder and sighed.
Although she felt herself being watched, she couldn’t hold back the
tears. What was happening? Because something was wrong, that was
obvious. Ever since the last days of the trip to Pablo's house, her
mood seemed to be dragging through the floor. She grabbed her cell
phone and desperately typed a message to Diana.
convince Pablo to go to dinner. He’s not listening to me.
Meanwhile, Pablo meditated in front of
his coffee mug. Breakfast was his favorite time of the day, because
he was alone and his mind was awake.
In his mug, he stirred the sugar and
his willingness to party. He was choking with frustration. He had
overheard a private conversation and the secret burned in his soul.
Maybe Fernando was wrong and nothing that he had told Sofia was true.
But why would it be, if everything seemed to be pointing to the fact
that it was true?
He was even more worried when he
thought about Cristina. He wasn’t being completely honest with her.
He had already let her know on several occasions that they were only
good friends. It was true that he loved her, but in a totally
different way than what she hoped for. Cristina was in his other
heart, the day-to-day one, the one with the laughs, the good times,
the memories… Ultimately, in the heart of his history. And she
couldn’t get out of it, even though at times it would have seemed
like the easiest thing.
He finished his coffee and got up,
finally making a decision. Until he found out if Fernando's words
were true, he wouldn’t stop tormenting himself. He texted Cristina.
He didn’t have much more to lose, and, even though the idea of
reencountering his ghostly pain didn’t really appeal to him, he
would go to the dinner.
Traducido por: Carolina Rodríguez García